Wednesday, April 3, 2013


First things first, welcome to my blog! Why, "Our Little Green Nest" you ask?

Well, after much deliberation, I decided this name fully captured how we feel about our new home. It's ours (woohoo!), it's little (a whopping 1,500 sq. ft.), it's green (which I love) and it's a nest (cuter than saying house...and I had a picture of a nest). 

I'll be posting pictures of projects we're doing for our own records and to keep family and friends updated. I'm hoping some good before and after pictures will be coming soon. Everyone loves a good before and after picture, right? 


  1. I have to be honest and say that this the the cutest blog post I have read in quite some time! Your explanation of the name of your blog was wonderful. I am excited to see what else you do to your little nest. Creative things are so exciting! Good luck!

    1. I felt a little silly writing it like this but that's just how I felt. Can't wait to share more with you! Thank you for taking the time to stop by and leave comments. I'm glad you can be a part of the process!

  2. We sure do love a good "before" and "after" picture! Congrats on your new nest! A blog is a wonderful space for documenting all of your home improvements, your glory and gory stories, and for sharing d.i.y. projects. How excited that your shoving off from shore and beginning this exciting voyage into both blogging and home ownership. Traveling mercies!

    The Thinking Closet

    P.S. Thanks for your oh so sweet comment on my blog. Such a joy to visit your corner of blogland!

    1. Thank you so much Lauren! It was such a nice surprise to find a comment from you and know you took the time to look at my little blog. :)
